This just in from Janice McLean, Art Director at SkyNews magazine:
“There’s a total solar eclipse happening in North America this August 21st, the first visible from the contiguous United States since 1979 Because SkyNews is a how-to magazine, we give very specific news based on the months we publish, therefore July/Aug is a special issue about the eclipse.
You’ll see that we’ve flagged the event dramatically on our July/August cover, with all the major sell-lines and cover image touting the eclipse.
The twist is that our September/October issue hits the newsstands in the second week of August, and we need to take advantage of the news stories that will be talking about the eclipse in the days and weeks before August 21st. By that time, our July/August issue will have been replaced by Sept/Oct.
Our team decided to insert a special 4-page information insert in Sept/Oct for newsstand only, plus we’re binding in special safe solar eclipse viewers for the newsstand as well (we bound in subscriber viewers to the July/August issue).
To promote these bonus items, we stickered the newsstand issues and we’re running an eclipse on the cover once again. This is generally our Astrophoto issue, but we do have one story running in the main issue about future eclipses, which gave us the opportunity to run an eclipse image and coverlines on the full run of the magazine.”
The Sept/Oct 2017 issue of Sky News went on sale on August 8.
Here’s the Jul/Aug 2017 issue:
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