Canadian Publishing Industry News
9 February 2015,     TORONTO
Travel Courier gets a new look
Baxter Travel Media has described the redesign of its Travel Courier magazine as modern, fresh and bright.

 Left to right: Travel Courier redesign, former layout

Currently celebrating its 50th anniversary, Travel Courier provides news coverage, destination reports, education, sales tools, classified listings, career opportunities and event listings for travel agents. The redesign was a result of requests made by readers in a recent readership survey.

“The goal was to appeal to our core audience, while modernizing the overall look,” Dragana Lucic, Graphic Artist and Project Designer said. “For me, this means an approach to design that favours soft instead of aggressive styling, bright instead of harsh colours, and a modern instead of traditional layout.”

Changes include:
  • Modernized logo, masthead, and branding
  • Softer styling
  • Cover designs that list editorial features inside each issue
  • Comprehensive index on page 2 directing readers to content inside the magazine
  • Customized double-page spread for each week's feature story
  • Editorial content focused on destination reports and agent education such as FAMs, webinars, sales tools etc.
  • More images, photos, and graphics to illustrate news items
  • Matte silk finish paper resulting in brighter pages and more saturated colours.
A change has also been made to the digital version of the magazine.  A new feature called Digital Extras will link readers to additional content online.

Travel Courier is a weekly publication with a unique total circulation (including print and digital subscribers) of 23,885. It’s available in print and digital, and is distributed to the travel trade across Canada. Recipients are primarily travel agents, but also include tour operators and wholesalers, transportation companies, hotels and other accommodations including their corporate offices, tourist boards, meeting and event planning firms, travel insurance, and more.
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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