Canadian Publishing Industry News
28 September 2021,     TORONTO
NFT covers from NOW and Georgia Straight
Media Central Corporation is selling NFTs of nine iconic magazine covers published by NOW Magazine and the Georgia Straight. The covers feature Grimes, Drake, Seth Rogan and more Canadian artists that have defined Vancouver and Toronto’s arts and entertainment history, said a press release by the company.

 According to, interest in NFTs generated more than $250 million in sales in 2020. NFTs of Non-Fungible Tokens are a new type of investment supported by blockchain technology. Buyers who purchase the NFTs will own a record and a hash-tag code showing a unique token associated with their purchase. Media Central maintains ownership of the magazine covers.

    “We have no illusions that future NFT sales for us will be akin to winning the lottery,” said Kirk MacDonald, president of Media Central Corporation. “That said, we do have the confidence that we have novel digital assets that will appeal to NFT buyers and allow them to own a slice of history in our communities.”

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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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