Canadian Magazine Industry News
18 August 2014,     VAUGHAN, ONT.
New cover, direction for City Life magazine
Bimonthly lifestyle magazine City Life has undergone a cover redesign and content change, which debuts in its August/September issue. Readers will notice the logo’s serif lettering has been switched to a clean bold font, the header now uses two colours and fonts and inside, there’s a drastic difference in size between the p (for page) and the page number.

“We feel the new direction has a refreshing and modern essence to it,” managing editor Michael Hill said. “It’s one we hope readers enjoy as much as we do.”

On the left, City Life's redesigned cover. On the right, the previous layout.

While the 12-year-old Vaughan-based publication plans to continue its focus on all things lifestyle related, it also intends to start tackling topics with more weight.

“The cover story, for example, is about Vaughan businessman Cy Tokmakjian, who has been in prison in Cuba for the past three years,” Hill said. “For the first two and a half years of his imprisonment, Tokmakjian wasn't even charged with a crime, while the Cuban government seized $91 million of personal and company assents. It's a heavier story, exploring issues of corruption amidst the regime change in the Communist country.”

City Life can be found on newsstands throughout the GTA, including select Chapters and Indigo locations across the country.
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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