Canadian Publishing Industry News
17 September 2021,    
Media Startup treats reporters as social media influencers

From the “new journalism model” file, comes this story:

Puck News is a new media company that aims to cover the four centers of power in the U.S.— Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Washington, and Wall Street. The venture built on two concepts: that journalism shouldn’t be free, and that journalists need to be more like social media influencers.Its founders are veterans of New York media, chief executive officer Joe Purzycki, and editor-in-chief Jon Kelly.

                 “There is an elite group of journalists who want to be long-form writers, column writers, newsletters writers and want to have a direct connection with the large audiences they’ve amassed on social channels,” Kelly said. “We wanted to create a platform and company that offers the best of all these worlds to the type of creators who value it most.”         
The two have recruited a handful of influential writers to write newsletters and serve as founding partners in the new venture. Puck’s initial contributors include Baratunde Thurston, Peter Hamby, Dylan Byers, and Tina Nguyen, with more expected to be added before the end of the year. A new website will publish fresh stories every day, and a podcast featuring several of its writers will launch soon. Puck News will also erect a paywall, requiring readers of most of its newsletters to pay for access to stories, live events and personal time with their favorite writers.


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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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