Canadian Magazine Industry News
26 March 2009,     TORONTO
PMB 2009: What's the most read magazine in Canada?
According to the latest topline readership report from the Print Measurement Bureau, a magazine called Canadian Health has the highest number of readers per copy, with an average of 30.3. Launched by the Canadian Medical Association in 2006, the quarterly magazine has a circulation around 50,000 and is mostly distributed through hospital and physician waiting rooms.

At 6.5 million, Reader's Digest continues to hold the largest overall readership in the country, followed by Canadian Living with a readership of 3.9 million.

The PMB study shows that average readers per copy dropped a tad down to 4.9 and average total readership dropped as well, from 1.06 million in PMB 2008 to 1.03 in PMB 2009.

Here's the trending for RPC going back to 2002:

Year     RPC
2009     4.9
2008     5.0
2007     5.0
2006     5.5
2005     5.4
2004     5.5
2003     5.1
2002     5.1

A total of 119 publications were measured by PMB in the study, though 106 were in their second year.

Top 10 English-language magazines (Total readership)



Title PMB 2009 PMB 2008 +/- change
Reader's Digest 6.564 million 6.882 million -4.6%
Canadian Living 3.959 million 4.308 million -8.1%
Canadian Geographic 3.768 million 3.469 million +8.6%
Chatelaine 3.768 million 3.865  million -2.5%
What's Cooking 3.705 million 3.588  million +3.3%
People 3.560 million 3.648 million -2.4%
Canadian Health & Lifestyle 2.477 million 2.525 million -1.9%
Maclean's 2.414 million 2.491 million -3.1%
Canadian House & Home 2.361 million 2.523 million -6.4%
CAA Magazine (excl. Manitoba) 2.305 million 2.148 million +7.3%

Top 10 English-language magazines (Readers per copy)


Title PMB 2009 PMB 2008
Canadian Health 30.3 n/a
The Hockey News 22.2 24.3
People 20.7 21.0
Canadian Geographic 17.8 15.7
Outdoor Canada 16.4 17.4
Cottage Life 13.5 14.3
Fashion 13.3 12.5
British Columbia Magazine 13.0 13.4
Canadian Gardening 12.7 15.7
Elle Canada 12.5 12.2

Top 10 French-language magazines (Total readership)


Title PMB 2009 PMB 2008 +/- change
Qu'est-ce qui mijote 1.392 million 1.317 million  +5.7%
Coup de Pouce 1.254 million  1.300 million  -3.5%
Touring (Fre & Eng) 1.171 million  1.078 million  +8.6%
Selection du Reader`s Digest 1.064 million  1.096 million  -2.9%
7 Jours .984 million  1.121 million  -12.2%
Chatelaine (Fr) .895 million  .985 million  -9.1%
L`actualite .885 million  .911 million  -2.8%
Elle Quebec .788 million  .793 million  -0.6%
Les idees de ma maison .746 million  .852 million  -12.4%
Decoration Chez-Soi .744 million  .822 million  -9.4%


Top 10 French-language magazines (Readers per copy)


Title PMB 2009 PMB 2008
Le Lundi 18.3 19.7
Rénovation Bricolage 16.1 16.1
Derniére Heure 14.8 14.7
Star Inc. 13.4 13.5
Quebec Science 13.1 17.8
Tout Simplement Clodine 12.4 14.8
Les Idees de ma Maison 10.1 11.7
Star Systéme 10.1 10.1
7 Jours 10.0 9.9
La Semaine 9.2 8.5
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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