Alberta Magazine Publishers Association held its annual conference in Calgary on Thursday and Friday last week and t
he good folks at AMPA were kind enough to send us photos from the event, taken by Don Molyneaux.
The AMPA trio of Stefanie Wong, Anh Chu and Colleen Seto with volunteer Christie Kirchner and Lynda Sea of Avenue Calgary.
A true blue toast from Ed Andrukow and Trina Lo of Dandelion magazine.
Editors Michael McCullough of Alberta Venture and Colin McGarrigle of Avenue Edmonton show off their name tags.
Harley Ruder from Teldon Print Media and Sherry Shaw-Froggatt from Frog Inc. Publishing strike poses for the camera.
Nadia Laham and Edouard Cavé representing Canadian Heritage.
All Avenue, all the time: Jennifer Hamilton and Käthe Lemon from Calgary with Colin McGarrigle from Edmonton and Chris Bowerman from Calgary.
The Battle of Alberta: Transcontinental's Renato Casello vs. Jim Mueller.
The Techlife crew. Row 1: Donovan Francis, Kristen Vernon, Andrea Yury and Derek Lue. Row 2: Diane Begin-Croft, Sherri Krastel and Leigh Frey.
Former Canadian Geographic editor Rick Boychuk with Alison O’Conner and Pierre Hamel from Alumni Link.