Study Finds Third Of Amazon Book Reviews Are Fake.
The most untrustworthy Amazon reviews
Book reviews are the most untrustworthy on Amazon, has reveal. Almost 2 in 5 (37.2%) book ratings are fraudulent, the most of any product category. After analysing Amazon’s bestsellers, the experts uncovered that for 59% of products, over 40% of ratings were fake. For 1 in 20 books, over 90% of ratings were illegitimate.Methodology used was 1. 20 popular categories on were chosen for analysis to determine which had the most fake reviews.2.
The top 50 best selling items in each category were analysed.3. Independent review analysis tool was utilised to scrape reviews for each product. Data gathered included the original rating, the quantity of fake reviews, and a new review score once fake ratings were removed. 4. Where the last analysis was done before August 2023, the product was run again for a more recent analysis.5. Finally, results were aggregated and by category and ranked by % of fake reviews.6. Original data analysis was conducted 5th September 2023 and is accurate as of then. To find out, analysed ratings for Amazon bestsellers to uncover which products have the biggest boost by fake reviews go to