Canadian Magazine Industry News
14 January 2013,     OTTAWA
Grants to Lit and Art Mag program applications due March 1, new fund introduced
The 2013 applications deadline for Canada Council Grants to Literary and Art Magazines is set for March 1. This year, the Canada Council for the Arts has introduced the Strategic Fund for Magazines for market access projects.

A temporary component to the regular program, with a three-year limited duration, the Strategic Fund aims to help lit and art mags deal with changing demographics, technology, economics and readership habits.

According to Canada Council info, "The Fund targets one-time initiatives that will produce lasting results and foster the development of strategies for broadening market access, sharing resources, establishing partnerships, creating tools adapted to digital environments and developing experience."

The fund is open to publishers that are already receiving a grant from the regular program. Applications can be submitted by a single magazine, or by a group of two or more publications that "contribute equally to carrying out the project and will each derive equivalent benefits."

Individual projects can receive a maximum grant of $15,000. Group projects can receive up to $20,000.

In other changes to the program, the requirement for paid circulation percentage was lowered from 50% to 40%.

The Canada Council Grants to Literary and Art Magazines program aims to build awareness of Canadian contemporary arts and literature through supporting literary and art magazines.

More info on the program, including eligibility requirements, can be found at the Canada Council website.
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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