Canadian Magazine Industry News
18 June 2009,     TORONTO
Quill & Quire appoints new editor

Stuart Woods was announced today as Quill & Quire’s new editor-in-chief. Woods has quickly climbed the ranks during his two years with the magazine, having starting there as an intern in fall 2007 and moving up to staff writer by August 2008.

Stuart Woods
“I would like to continue to build on Quill & Quire’s reputation for in-depth industry analysis, breaking news coverage, and must-read reviews of upcoming books, while at the same time improving the way the magazine –  in print and online – acts as a resource for the Canadian book publishing community as a whole," Woods said on the Quillblog. "I am excited by the challenge presented by this opportunity, while at the same time saddened by the circumstances through which it has come about.”

Derek Weiler
, Q&Q's editor since 2004, died suddenly in April.

Woods, a University of King’s College graduate, has also previously worked for book publishing house Price-Patterson Ltd.

“Stuart will make a wonderful editor," said Q&Q publisher Alison Jones. "He has shown with his reporting and reviewing a great understanding of both the art and commerce shaping the world of Canadian books."


— Christal Gardiola
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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