Canadian Magazine Industry News
24 March 2009,     CALGARY
AMPA Conference Round-Up: Award winners
Dan Rubinstein, founding editor of the currently suspended Unlimited magazine (still going online), was named Editor of the Year 2009 last week at the Alberta Magazine Publishers Association Conference in Calgary.

The judging panel had this to say:
Unlimited truly understands their audience and everything in the magazine resonates with that understanding—from the language used to the editorial mix to the art direction. The voice of the magazine is unique and the content doesn't hesitate to take risks, making it both engaging and a breath of fresh air. Dan Rubinstein demonstrates dedication to his craft, to the unique voices of his writers, and to mentoring his teammates, as well as to the community and ensuring that the magazine's message reaches its audience in a variety of ways.
Rubinstein left Unlimited in October for a senior editor position at Canadian Geographic.

Winners of The Alberta Magazines Showcase Awards, sponsored by Transcontinental, were announced Friday. They were:
  • Best Editorial Short–Where Calgary, “Dining on the Range” September/October 2008; writer: Sally Mackinnon.
  • Best Feature Layout – Alberta Venture,  “The Sky’s the Limit” September 2008; art director: Kim Larson; photographer: John Gaucher; writer: Anthony A. Davis.
  • Best Cover – Avenue (Edmonton), “Tuned In” Jan/Feb 2009; designer: Rob Machida; photographer: Dermot Cleary.
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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