Friday, April 21, 2017

The Summer 2017 issue of Creative Scrapbooker is set to go to press.  It goes on sale May 29th, 2017.

The magazine recently raised the cover price from $11.99 to $12.99, and unit sales went up by 12%, with revenue up 21%.

Creative Scrapbooker is on a roll, with 10 issues in a row posting gains, over a two and a half year period.

The magazine is now available in the USA, where sales of the past 4 issues are averaging an impressive 54% sell-thru!  And with the USA dollar strong, it’s a very good time to be selling copies in the USA.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Jun/Jul 2017 issue of Canadian Woodworking showcases their 7th Annual Small Shops cover feature.  Art Director  Jonathan Cresswell-Jones has created a winning cover.  A dynamic sky bar treatment, good use of the upper left area for the main sell, use of numbers to quantify value, strong check list of supporting features and benefits, good use of color to help direct the eye, and the UPC code tucked away in the lower right, are hallmarks of this cover.


The 2016 Small Shop issue posted a sales gain of 79% in sales, on top of the 12% gain achieved in 2015. So look for this one to sell!


On sale May 22nd, 2017.  Cover price $5.95.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

According to , Melania Trump has won a $3 million dollar judgement (and an apology) from the Daily Mail.  “It’s far less than the $150 million Trump’s initial suit demanded, but still extraordinary that a First Lady earned a public retraction and payout from a media organization,”according to the post.


The judgement was handed down in London’s High Court.

The trouble was that the Daily Mail suggested that Melania Trump was a professional escort, or to be more blunt, was saying she was a hooker.



“We accept that these allegations about Mrs. Trump are not true and we retract and withdraw them. We apologize to Mrs. Trump for any distress that our publication caused her. To settle Mrs Trump’s two lawsuits against us, we have agreed to pay her damages and costs,”said a press release.

Like the Rolling Stone case/fake news Campus Rape Story (in my previous post) it certainly would have been a lot less expensive to simply hire a good fact checker.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Canada’s History is producing two covers for their Jun/Jul 2017 issue.  For the Quebec market, we’ve produced a special cover celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Expo 67.  Art Director James Gillespie has created a postcard-like cover that evokes all the excitement from that iconic moment in time.

For the rest of Canada, we’ve got our Canada 150 package, featuring special essays by top writers on what the future holds for Canada.

The cover price has been raised to $9.99 (from $7.99) for this one, since it is a double-thick issue.

Editor Mark Reid says:

” In 1967, Canada turned 100, and the country was in the mood to celebrate. And nowhere was the party more groovy than in Montreal, the host of Expo 67. Today, Expo 67 is seen as a triumph for Montreal, Quebec and Canada. But the truth is, Expo 67 almost never happened — and pulling it off in such a successful way was a miracle in itself.To mark this momentous occasion, Canada’s History has created a cover that harkens back to the colourful 1960s-era, featuring the iconic Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Dome — the signature icon of  Expo 67.

This exclusive cover is being made available for the Quebec market, and is sure to evoke fond memories of the swinging sixties in Canada’s cosmopolitan city. Inside the issue, which runs to 132 pages, you will find the dramatic tale of Expo 67’s success, as well as a special feature package marking the 150th anniversary of Confederation, anchored by “The Big Questions of Canada,” a special essay series by prominent writers such as Adrienne Clarkson, Lt. General Roméo Dallaire, Andrew Coyne and more. The special collector’s issue explores the history of our country, from the earliest Indigenous peoples, to the coming of Europeans and our progress into a modern multicultural nation.”



Thursday, April 13, 2017

Rolling Stone magazine has finally admitted defeat, and has settled the defamation lawsuit brought by University of Virginia administrator Nicole Eramo.  The lawsuit stems from the now infamous, and debunked, Campus Rape Story, published in November of 2014.  A jury in a Federal court awarded Eramo 3 million dollars, which both Rolling Stone and the writer appealed in November of 2016.

Yesterday, a spokeswoman for Wenner Media, the parent company of Rolling Stone, said: “Rolling Stone, Sabrina Rubin Erdely and Nicole Eramo have come to an amicable resolution. The terms are confidential.”


One problem remains, and that is that Rolling Stone is still fighting a 25 million dollar lawsuit brought by the fraternity Phi Kappa Psi. Rolling Stone’s article claimed, falsely, that a gang rape had happened at the campus frat house.  A hearing on this suit is set for Wednesday afternoon in a Charlottesville Circuit Court. A trial is currently scheduled to begin Oct 23rd, 2017.

About Me
Scott Bullock

Scott Bullock is the the creator of Bullock has worked as circulation director for both consumer and B2B magazines including Toronto Life and FASHION. If you have a great cover to share, please send all submissions to 

Note to readers: some of Bullock's posts may refer to his clients.
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Kelly says:
Any news on how it performed on newsstands?...
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