MagNet Insights
In a communication from MagNet Industry Insights (a U.S. based company), 2013 newsstand sales (by units) were down 11.7%. All sales are based on issues off sale, and on actual wholesale records. Newsstand dollars were down 9.2% compared to 2012 data.
The release suggests that the reasons for this negative trend include:
- The economy
- The effect of digital and social media on leisure time and as content delivery tools
- A heavy emphasis on low price subscription offers by major publishers to prop up rate bases
- Lack of effort to invest in newsstand while publishers turn attention to digital business
The good news, according to MagNet, is that magazine sales still generate $3 billion, and a high profit margin, with very little effort.
- Scott Bullock
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Scott Bullockscottbullock(at)rogers(dot)com
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