Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Do Bears = Johnny Depp?
I was asked recently, ”If polar bears are to Canadian Geographic what Brad Pitt is to Esquire, what about grizzly and brown bears? Are they like Johnny Depp?”

Good question. Let’s take a look, first at Canadian Geographic, then at British Columbia magazine:

Nov/Dec 2008: Bestseller in 2008. This issue sold 42% more copies than the average of the other five issues that year. Third bestseller ever in the magazine's history.

Nov/Dec 2003: Bestseller in 2003. This issue sold 28% more copies than the average of the other five issues that year.

Mar/Apr 2001: Highest sell-through efficiency (49%) in 2001.

Jan/Feb 1997: Highest sell-through efficiency (46%) in 1997.

Spring 2008: Beat average for the year by 10%. Second best cover that year.

Fall 2004: Beat average for the year by 12%. Second best cover that year.

Summer 2001: Beat average for the year by 30%. Best cover that year.

Summer 1997: Beat average for the year by 8%. Second best cover that year.

And yes, pressing this further, wolves = Angelina Jolie, and cougars = Jennifer Aniston.

Rule #30: If it works, keep doing it.

Rule #20: Be sexy.

Every magazine has its celebrities, who or what are yours?

- Scott Bullock
About Me
Scott Bullock

Scott Bullock is the the creator of Coverssell.com. Bullock has worked as circulation director for both consumer and B2B magazines including Toronto Life and FASHION. If you have a great cover to share, please send all submissions to 

Note to readers: some of Bullock's posts may refer to his clients.
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Kelly says:
Any news on how it performed on newsstands?...
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