Thursday, August 16, 2012
ABC Stats (Jan-Jun 2012)
The new ABC FasFax data for the Jan-Jun 2012 period has been released.  Sixty-two (62) titles reported single copy sales in both the 6/12 and 6/11 reporting periods here in Canada.

The single copy sales numbers, while down, were modest (down 1.7%), compared to the same period a year ago. And it was certainly a better result that the previous ABC Fas Fax results from the Jul-Dec 2011 period (down 2.4%).

A few things to remember:

1.  These numbers are not necessarily indicative of pure newsstand sales, as bulk single copy sales, office copy sales, trade show singles can be included.

2.  The numbers are in part estimates, as some issues are not closed/final when circulators are required to make their rate base claims.  This can lead to conservative under-estimates, or aggressive over-estimates.

3.  Given the small pool of magazines (62 in Canada) the big players’ results can skew the overall number down if they are struggling  (more on this in a moment).

4.  Keep in mind the fact that the French language and English language magazine markets can respond differently (more on this in a moment).

In total thirty six (36) titles reported single copy sales down (58% of the total titles reporting), while twenty-six (26) reported single copy sales increasing (or 42% of the ABC class).

Uppers (English Langauge):

  1. Best Health up 69.9%
  2. More up 29.4%
  3. Canada’s History up 23.6%   
  4. Canadian Business up 17.1%
  5. Today’s Parent up14.6%
  6. Canadian Living up 8.2%
  7. LouLou up 6.2%
  8. Style at Home up 5%
  9. Toronto Life up 4%
  10. Canadian House & Home up 2.3%
  11. Readers Digest up 2%
  12. Maclean’s up 1.2%
  13. GardenMaking up .4%
  14. Chateline up .2%

Uppers (French Language):

  1. Bel Age up 482.6%
  2. Chatelaine up 30.3%
  3. Animal up 22.9%
  4. Vita up 17.6%
  5. Fleurs Plantes Jardins up 12.2%
  6. Selection Readers Digest up 7.8%
  7. Clin D’Oeil up 6.5%
  8. A Vos Pinceaux up 4.3%
  9. L’Actualite up 3.6%
  10. Moi & La Cuisine up 3.1%
  11. Cool! up 2.9%
  12. Elle Quebec up 2.2%

Flare took a big hit (down 33.4%) from an average of 18,261 to 12,170…the largest % decline in the ABC set.   Market leader Hello! was (down 18.2%) from an average of 84,649 to 69,225.  Without the benefit of a Royal Wedding, this kind of wild swing can happen from a big, big, upside in the previous year. 

To put the ABC single copy stats in context, had both Flare and Hello! simply posted comparable numbers to prior year, the outcome to the overall ABC single copy sale results would show an increase in single copy sales for the Jan-Jun 2012 period.

Of the twenty-seven (27) English language ABC titles reporting, fourteen (14) reported sales declines while thirteen (13) reported sales gains.  In total, English language magazines single copy sales were actually up (yes by a hair at .3%, but up).  This has the look of a fairly balanced market.

Of the thirty-five (35) French language ABC titles reporting, twenty-two (22) reported sales declines, with just thirteen (13) reporting single copy sales improvement.  These rather unfortunate results pulled down the overall ABC number.

For an interesting overview from the U.S. see this link at Folio:

- Scott Bullock
About Me
Scott Bullock

Scott Bullock is the the creator of Bullock has worked as circulation director for both consumer and B2B magazines including Toronto Life and FASHION. If you have a great cover to share, please send all submissions to 

Note to readers: some of Bullock's posts may refer to his clients.
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Kelly says:
Any news on how it performed on newsstands?...
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