Orange Walrus - Cover of the Week
This electric cover makes a bold gambit on newsstands. We love the risk-taking approach to go all type, on the full bleed cover treatment. The sky bar approach is understated, putting all the focus on this unique editorial offering.
Here’s what John Macfarlane says about the cover:
“The story was so unusual we decided on a simple, direct coverline— “This magazine contains an essay on freedom by a Canadian convicted of murder”—and an all-type treatment. Mathieu Lavoie, the artist who did the illustration for the piece itself, hand-lettered the words, which were rendered on a prison uniform orange (we paid for a special colour). The result is certainly attention-getting, but only time will tell if it makes the sale.”
Here’s hoping their gamble pays off. It sure jumps on the cluttered racks. Pow!
- Scott Bullock
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Scott Bullockscottbullock(at)rogers(dot)com
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