Why magazines are made for the web
A good read over at thebigmoney.com, including:
I’m confident that newspapers and magazines will survive as “news-gathering organizations,” because they are unrivaled as rallying points for a specific interest or point of view. Unlike cable channels that lose their focus (quick, what was the original mission of Bravo, MSNBC, or A&E?) or books that struggle to prolong their breakout sales, successful magazines are the kinds of brands that digital distribution was made for. (And successful Web sites will start to look and feel more like magazines.)
I’m confident that newspapers and magazines will survive as “news-gathering organizations,” because they are unrivaled as rallying points for a specific interest or point of view. Unlike cable channels that lose their focus (quick, what was the original mission of Bravo, MSNBC, or A&E?) or books that struggle to prolong their breakout sales, successful magazines are the kinds of brands that digital distribution was made for. (And successful Web sites will start to look and feel more like magazines.)
- Kat Tancock
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