Time.com’s editorial strategy
I was just digging around in my delicious feed and found this video from beet.tv featuring the managing editor of Time.com discussing their editorial strategy and especially why long-form journalism doesn’t work for them online. Check it out and let me know what you think.
- Kat Tancock
Comment (1)
1. Doug Bennet says:
I agree with his analysis that the web does news best. However, I have used the web to source long-form journalism. The thing is, I'm typically looking specifically for the piece because I've learned about it somewhere else (sometimes our own links), then when I find it, I PRINT IT OUT and read it at home or when I have the leisure to do so. So who wins? HP, who makes the toner and desktop printer I use. The paper company that makes the copy paper in my printer. Bell, which provides our Internet line. And so on. Unfortunately, the losers (if the article was also available in a regular print magazine) are the retailers and wholesalers and distributors who might have sold me that issue if I had bought it on a newsstand. Of course, the experience of reading a black-and-white print-out is nothing like a full-colour magazine. But it's part of the new reality.
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