Will the future editorial department include web?
Last night I had dinner with two web folks and we got to talking about the divide between web and editorial departments. One day I'd like my job to include editing stories not just for print, but also for online — I'd like to work in both mediums. I have a lot to learn about web editing, but in my mind, both platforms serve the brand, so why the separation? Have the food editor edit the recipes in the book, as well as pull together cooking demonstrations for the web. Get the editor who handles book reviews to write them across the board. I've spoken to other young editors who feel the same way, and I wonder if we're heading in this direction, if the departments will merge over the next few years — if an editor will be an editor will be an editor.
What do you think? Should it all be part and parcel of the same job? Are you interested in doing both?
What do you think? Should it all be part and parcel of the same job? Are you interested in doing both?
- Corinna vanGerwen
Comments (3)
3. N/A says:
In order to have a multi-platform publication, it is critical that print and web work together. I don't think it is fair that print editors are now suddenly suppose to become web editors with no compensation for it. But I also don't think it is fair that web editors are shunned by many on the print side. Print is a dinosaur when compared to web -- web editors can tell you who their audience is better than a print editor can, they can tell you what articles are of most interest, and sometimes EXACTLY why, they have to "write tight" and with rich keywords -- so they could give a print writer a run for their money any day, and the list goes on and on. Right now, an editor is not an editor is an editor. Print editors just need to get on the train already. I often wonder what their problem is with web -- it creates such a divide and stops many of us from doing our best work -- which is to provide compelling and informative editorial and design. Not possible given the current print-web divide.
2. Angela says:
I think web is definitely going to be a main function for editors of paper publications. Already providing consult to our web developers as to what should be on the site and where it should be, I'm finding web is becoming part of my job description as an editor already. As well, it seems as though new contract editing jobs (magazines, at least) are requiring web knowledge.
1. Val says:
I agree an am very interested in doing both. Knowing how both are relevant and having the skills to do both jobs is a great way to survive.
About Me
Corinna vanGerwen
Corinna vanGerwen is a freelance editor and writer. She has worked as senior editor at Style at Home, senior design editor at Cottage Life and is the former Canadian Director of Ed2010. She has also held the position of operations manager at a boutique PR agency, where she handled strategic planning and daily operations.
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