Friday, August 08, 2008
Another launch at Transcon:

There must be something in the water up at Yonge and Sheppard these days; hot on the heels of the relaunch of both and, new-ish magazine More has launched its first full website. (Previous to this launch, the domain hosted a bare-bones site mostly geared toward subscriptions.)

According to a press release from Transcontinental, the site will be introducing a number of user-generated content (UGC) features over the coming months, including viral tools, blogs, user-submitted stories and user-created reviews of books, restaurants, travel and movies. This in addition to current site features like a daily blog, forums and a registration-required community system called MyMore (similar to MyCL on and My Home & Garden Network on and

One feature I like is the ability to rate content as well as commenting on it; while you have to be registered and logged in to comment, it’s not necessary for rating. I also like the most viewed/most comments/highest rated box in the right-hand column; I’ve always found it very clickable on and I’m sure readers will feel the same way.

I look forward to seeing how develops its community features and whether their plans for UGC resonate with readers.

- Kat Tancock
About Me
Kat Tancock
Kat Tancock is a freelance writer, editor and digital consultant based in Toronto. She has worked on the sites of major brands including Reader's Digest, Best Health, Canadian Living, Homemakers, Elle Canada and Style at Home and teaches the course Creating Website Editorial at Ryerson University.
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I'm there says:
breesir, to answer your question, the reason magazines don't have dedicated web editors is quite sim...
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